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Search for a UK livery yard

LiveryFinder makes it easy for you to find a UK livery yard for your horse.

Enter your address, postcode, or town name to find your nearest.

Alternatively, you can browse by region or search for an individual yard by name.

Find a livery
Use the search section to the left to find your perfect livery.

Find my nearest
Search for liveries closest to you, by entering a postcode, an address, or even a town name.

Browse by region
Select a region from the map of the UK to show liveries by area. You can then filter this down to county too if you need to.

Search by name
Enter all or part of the livery name into the search box and the livery finder will give you as many matches as possible.


Type all or part of your address above

You can type in your full address, your postcode, or simply a town name.